Event Description
It's been quite some time since I last raised the meaty trumpet to my lips, bugling out the call to the four corners, to summon our well-salted sirloin synod to come and test the beefy scales of justice... but my fine filet-philanderers, the world has never needed us more than now.
These are strange, dark times, and I think there is no better moment for us to gather and remember all that still unites us - specifically the consumption of well-balanced hamburgers, and the verbose, highly-opinionated judgement of them.
So let us gather once more. However, because "gathering" is strictly forbidden, we shall harness the glorious power of the internet and meet together in the magical land of "video chat." I propose that we each cook the same recipe, and then rain down our righteous adjudication upon that recipe (and our own culinary skills).